Who loves you and who do you love?

I hate modern day gameshows. There, I said it. Gone are the days when people went on there for the fun of it and if they were lucky, they might win a few prizes, or some money. And boy were they crappy prizes.
Clock-radio? Check.
Crystal decanter set? Check
Blankety-Blank chequebook and pen? Check.

Gameshows in the past were the TV equivalent of Pringles. They were light-hearted 30 minute shows that you didn't have to invest any real time or even interest in. They were just there, to dip in and out of while you cooked dinner, or chatted on the phone. Nowadays, there are so many heart-stopping, heart-breaking, cliff-hanger moments that I don't know whether I'm watching the latest HBO drama or an episode of Deal or No Deal?, which, incidentally, I HATE because it's so nauseating. More for Noel Edmonds than anything else.

So, lets go back and see what we're missing. Here's one hour of funny gameshow answers, back when shows actually asked you questions beyond 'which number box do you want to open?' And if the answers aren't funny enough, then at least you can laugh at the fashions. For instance, check out Malibu Barbie here (she appears at the end of the video):

The living embodiment of Malibu Barbie
The living embodiment of Malibu Barbie
She may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but at least she knows how to wield a curling iron.

Also, your mission is to get the phrase "At my cat's end" into general conversation. You can thank me later.