
The important stuff...

Copyright. Yup, I know, it's boring but it's important.
Funnily enough, I don't own the copyright to these images. And while some of these companies I'm sure are long gone, there are many that aren't. So while I can't stop you from copying or downloading them (and I have no intention of doing so, either), you should probably be warned that you shouldn't sell them, or make things with them that you want to sell. For one thing, it's not on 'cos they're available here for free. Also, you may get into a spot of bother with said companies; if you want to get into a court battle with Coca-Cola, then be my guest. But I would advise against it, unless you're a billionaire.

So, as long as you use common sense if you're using these images, you'll be a-ok. If you'd like to Pin them, save them for your own use or what-not, then be my guest. Although a li'l linky back here would be awesome-o. Or some other form of acknowledgement will do, 'cos scanning these in, cropping them and straightening them in a photo editor is laborious work. Trust me, I've got a 1000+ of these images to get through, I know.
