Slang term of the month: 'have one on the city'

I love old slang. Watching some black and white 50's B-movie on a Sunday afternoon is one of my ideal pastimes, 'cos they're always full of old sayings and words which have fallen into disuse. Some of them, well, you can see why they aren't used any more; let's face it, if somebody called you flutter bum*you'll most likely give them a slap. But there are some words and phrases which deserve a rebirth, and that's where I come in.

Each month I'll post an old, disused slang term, with the hopes that it'll be used at some point in conversation during that month. Granted, it may mean that you'll end up talking like a tommy gun carrying gangster, but that's all part of the fun.

So, this month**, I present to you the following phrase:

Slang term of the month: 'have one on the city'. Because you can't afford to buy everybody drinks.
Have one on the city! - original photo courtesy of Tack-O-Rama

Have one on the city

The next time somebody asks you for a drink, tell them to 'have one on the city' and then give them a glass of water. You'll probably start getting invited out less but hey, at least you'll sound cool!

* In case you're wondering, a flutter bum is allegedly a good looking guy. Hmmm, don't think I'll be using that one anytime soon.
** Yes, yes, I'm well aware that it's the end of the month. Just make out I'm giving you a head start for February, OK?