This Valentine's message has been brought to you by the NRA

OK, so maybe you don't go for all that soppy roses 'moon in June' stuff, but you still want to tell your special gal (or guy) that you really, really like them. What's the best way to get your message across?

'"I aim" to please!' vintage Valentine's day card
'"I aim" to please you!' vintage Valentine's card.
Because nothing says 'I love you' more than a child holding a gun.
Ahhh, there you go, problem solved. Although for some reason the gun appears to be bigger than li'l Johnny's head. Where did he get a gun that big? Also, that gun must be pretty heavy...and he looks like he's got some Jeremy Beadle thing happening with his hand.
I'm unsure of the year of this card, but judging by the Enid Blyton-esque illustration style I would assume 1930s/40s.

Anyway, happy Valentine's Day guys and gals and IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME BACK I'LL GET A REAL GUN AND HOLD IT TO YOUR HEAD UNTIL YOU DO!!

Nah, only kidding...or am I?*

* I am, 'cos for one I'm in the UK and everybody knows we don't know how to get hold of guns over here; unless you're in the army, or know dodgy people.